Register with us by filling out the form below.RM_StatsFirst Name *Last Name * Email *Mobile *Username *This is a unique identifier to be used inside the system. You can use it to login in our course if you want. Use only letters, numbers, underscores and periods. Spaces are not allowed.Password *Password must be at least 7 characters long.Enter password again *Password must be at least 7 characters long. Your current Role: *Name of School/Preschool: *NESA ACCOUNT NUMBER (if applicable):Degrees/Qualifications pertaining to education (if applicable): I will be paying by: *Direct Deposit: Rosemary Ruthven ANZ Bank BSB: 012-881 Account: 4665-51875Credit Card: Course fee plus 2.3% credit card transaction fee. Please call Rosemary on 0429040658My school/Centre will be payingOther (please specify below)Name of School/Centre PayingEmail invoice toPayment note Terms of Service *By clicking this button, I understand and agree to the following terms of service. Course content and materials provided are subject to copyright and enrolled users agree not to reproduce, distribute, modify or attempt to train or re-train using course content in any wayI agree to the terms of service. Note: It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some elements of this form may require JavaScript to work properly. If you have trouble submitting the form, try enabling JavaScript momentarily and resubmit. JavaScript settings are usually found in Browser Settings or Browser Developer menu.